
Here you can see Bad Boy's past and present roster and read about them. We have also listed Hitmens that have worked with Bad Boy.

The Hitmens are P. Diddy's legendary multi-platinum squad of producers who are all relatively unknown individually but as a group are known as hit makers. Led by hit producer Sean 'Puffy' Combs himself, he has currently behind him Mario 'Yellow man' Winans, Stevie J, Nisan Stewart, Yogi, EZ Elpee, Harve 'Joe Hooker' Pierre (Also the A & R of Bad Boy), Deric 'D-Dot' Angliette, Dimitri "The Natural" Christos, and the well-known Bink! Dawg.

Along with these are a number of previous hitmen who have produced some of the massive hits over the years such as Carlos '6 July' Broady, Daven 'Prestige' Vanderpool, Carl 'Chucky' Thompson, Ron 'Amen-ra' Lawrence' and many more who have been involved in individual smash hits.

The Hitmen deserve a lot of credit for without them, Bad Boy would not be the empire it is today. We are adding more Hitmens in the future so stay tuned!

Upcoming releases

More upcoming releases (and older releases) at the releases section.